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About Talton Roberson

He started his first business in the pressure washing industry back in 2014 and found relative success in that capturing over 1000 clients since its establishment. He learned skills related to marketing, customer acquisition, customer service, and other skills needed to run a pressure washing business. 


Later on in 2016 he joined a network marketing company and learned about personal development even though not much success came directly with the network marketing company. He did travel the country quite a bit and pushed his thinking to bigger levels on what was possible so it wasn't a complete failure. And he learned about the power of networking and how personal growth is needed to grow your income. 

Eventually in November 2019, he started selling on amazon after taking a course on selling books online. This was such a crazy time in his life because of so much change in so little time. 

Luckily, the pressure washing business was thriving that he had a few thousand dollars saved up to get started selling on amazon and this allowed him to "feed the beast", or in other words buy a lot of inventory to send to amazon. This triggered all out massive action towards the book business and resulted in him doing just shy of $100,000 in sales from books alone in his first year. 

Fast forward to 2023, Talton Roberson is spending most of his time creating content for other entrepreneurs helping them by sharing information he wish he had throughout his entrepreneurial journey. In addition he has shifted his focus away from selling on amazon and towards other online businesses. Although you may not have much info on his current events, he is willing to help any entrepreneur with problems they may have regarding amazon or other business types. 

Talton Roberson head shot

Talton Roberson is a serious entrepreneur motivated by helping other people succeed. That is why he built this website, so he could help people overcome obstacles, rise to new heights, and ultimately find success in business.

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